Online Booking form for Nikah

Please provide your email address.
You must give at least 2 weeks notice
Name and Full Address including postcode
Please note: We cannot guarantee that your preferred imam will be available.
NOTE: UK law requires that both bride and groom are 18 years of age.
Including postcode
Please provide father's name.
NOTE: UK law requires that both bride and groom are 18 years of age.
Including postcode
Please provide father's name.
A valid UK ID will be required (Driving License or Passport)
This form is to be completed by ALL those wishing to book an Aylesbury Mosque imam or an employee for the purpose of a Nikah ceremony as well as using its premises.  Bookings are subject to availability of the required Imam and facilities and will be confirmed on receipt of payment.

Nikah Fees

  • Nikah performed at the Mosque: £50
  • Nikah performed in Aylesbury but at an alternative location £75
  • Nikah outside Aylesbury £125 + £25  per hour over and above 2 hours (includes travel time).

Bookings for nikah must be made at least two weeks before the nikah date.

All fees are a donation towards the administration of the nikah, the imam’s time, support of and contribution to the running costs of the mosque. If the family wishes to make a gift to the Imam performing the nikah, that is purely at their discretion. 

Payment must be made directly to the Mosque prior to the nikah ceremony, either by bank transfer or in cash to the Management team who will issue you a receipt accordingly. Imams are not authorised to receive the nikah fees. 

Bank details are as follows:

Name: Aylesbury Mosque
Sort Code: 30-90-38
Account Number: 00995110